Daniel Reskin

Daniel Reskin

Comedian Daniel Reskin

Posts filed under reel

Top Ten High Plains Moments 2015

Top 10 Festival Moments #HPCF #HPCF2015 #HighPlainsComedyFest #HighPlains #HiPlayns #HaiPlanes #HypeLanes The 3rd annual High Plains Comedy Festival just wrapped up, as moments ago the last comedian finally passed out. The three-day festival was a smooth success, showcasing strong national and local talent in both traditional and concept shows. The events were blocks away with many free shows… (read more)

Denver Podcast Roundup

Open the pod bay doors and cast your riffnets! Denver has a rich podcast environment that I am exploring in an attempt to disguise myself among the locals – I mean be a funny comedian! Click the links or pictures below to listen!   3 Course Comedy – Future Foods Adrian Mesa and Eric Henderson host this comedic celebration of… (read more)

Miami to Denver

In about a month I will relocate to Denver, Colorado. My residency, my stuff, my elbows – everything. Why? Short answer: I’ve seen the comedy renaissance happening there and it’s a special thing. Creative yet professional. Industrious yet welcoming. I need more data. There is a high probability that exposure will enhance my node clusters! (No-robo)… (read more)

Ep12 High Plains Comedy Festival

It’s the 1st of the month, you know what that means! … no not soul-smothering bills to pay, something mildly more entertaining — It’s a new episode of the Casa de Haha podcast! In my recent investigatory jaunt to LA an audiomaster called Ernie conveyed unto me the importance of releasing podcasts on a consistent… (read more)