I’ve retired my first website. Unplugged, decoded, and spread the 0s and 1s over a nice pasture near a technical community college.
It seems iWeb stopped being updated (e-bandonment) years ago, so it’s a smooth cruise to obsolescence. Why’d they stop? Because of WordPress, what I used to build this new site. WordPress is open source, meaning thousands of people have written code and improved it for free, working together with the simple goal of making a website platform that stand-up comedians can use to indulge their delusions. What a wonderful world.
So welcome to DanielReskin.com 2.0. Sleeker, more post-centric, and a new reliable home for the Casa de Haha Podcast.
Now who’s going to the wake? Is it a wake and bake…? Rips for my RIPs. My con-DRO-lensces.