Daniel Reskin

Daniel Reskin

Comedian Daniel Reskin

Denver Podcast Roundup

Open the pod bay doors and cast your riffnets! Denver has a rich podcast environment that I am exploring in an attempt to disguise myself among the locals – I mean be a funny comedian! Click the links or pictures below to listen!


3 Course Comedy – Future Foods

Adrian Mesa and Eric Henderson host this comedic celebration of food, showcasing three “cook-medians” as a three course meal. Each does a savory stand-up set and subsequent food-terview. Real food is made for the audience, which you who are bound by time can no longer enjoy! This episode’s theme was FUTURE FOODS, I am the entree after appetizer Meghan DePonceau and before dessert Joshua Skillman.

Length: 74 minutes. Cook and eat dinner while you listen!



Poop Talk 10: Great Wall of China

From the future of food to all food’s future. Virgil Dickerson and Ron Doyle mastermind the classiest podcast about poop possible. Poop Talk is a succinct, beautifully edited journey that explores comedians’ moving movement memories. I discuss what it was like to poop at the Great Wall of China. They are the Radiolab of butt nuggets. The NPR of IBS.

Length: 12  minutes… a relaxed poop?


Whiskey & Cigarettes – #118

This weekly podcast digest is one of the most successful podcasts in Denver with good reason. Hosts Jake Browne, Jake Becker, and Zac Maas bring on comedians to riff about what’s happening in the podosphere. I am on with local slugger and doppelganger Tim Messenger, and there is such a variety of podcasts that you can never tell where the conversation will go. I learn a lot, especially about Chinchillas.

Length: 80 minutes. Inhale some legal Oxygen stimulators with your bros and br-O2 out.

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