That was quick! I thought this one had potential to stick around at least through the Heat playoffs. Such is the nature of the business beast. Ventures can fall through even if it seems like all the right pieces are there – nice stage, scene support, good location, free parking, decent prices, enthusiastic management.
Apparently it didn’t bring in enough money. The first week had about 17 people. By the third week I had to extend the night from 11pm to 12:15 just to give all 30 performers stage time. With no built-in crowd it didn’t seem much else was happening Monday night. I was told the owners really wanted comedy at their venue. That’s why it was called Mooney Mondays (after an owner who was out of town the entire three week run). The people I worked with were all very nice and professional. It’s simply surprising to me that they were so ready to pull the plug.
Rest in peace, my second weekly open mic. I bury thee next to Moonchine. Is the third time the charm, or is the universe saying “Stick to monthly showcases, Reskers.”?