Daniel Reskin

Daniel Reskin

Comedian Daniel Reskin

Posts filed under Articles

The 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner – Did She Go Too Far?

There’s healthy controversy surrounding Michelle Wolf at the White House Press Correspondents’ dinner. Did she go too far? Is the Fox headline true that she bombed because of cheap jokes about appearances and petty personal attacks? As a public comedic service, and in the spirit of explaining jokes until they are no longer funny, here… (read more)

New York decides – Bernie or Hillary

New York, you get to decide the Democratic Presidential nominee – okay, the next President. Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton. Way to drama! Now I get why you have Broadway! The center of American money and power is also our cultural crown jewel. The establishment and it’s fiercest challengers walking the same streets. Fat cats and… (read more)

Brian Regan Interview

Brain Regan is one of the most respected figures in stand-up comedy. After decades of touring, he just filmed his first live special and and acted in his first movie. His material is also growing in a new direction with his signature style. Learn about what makes this man tick. Although my original headline didn’t mention… (read more)

Top Ten High Plains Moments 2015

Top 10 Festival Moments #HPCF #HPCF2015 #HighPlainsComedyFest #HighPlains #HiPlayns #HaiPlanes #HypeLanes The 3rd annual High Plains Comedy Festival just wrapped up, as moments ago the last comedian finally passed out. The three-day festival was a smooth success, showcasing strong national and local talent in both traditional and concept shows. The events were blocks away with many free shows… (read more)

Denver Groove

I’ve been in Denver for a month now, and regret my decision 0%. I am absolutely floored with the variety and excitement in the Denver comedy scene. I must do a full analysis before my brain and I figure out what kind of show we want to contribute. In Miami, I would just create a(nother) quality showcase because… (read more)

South Beach Comedy Festival – 5 Reasons To Go

The South Beach Comedy Festival is back. Last night the festival kicked off it’s 10th year with the hilarious meta-play Earthquake by local theater collective Mad Cat & More. Now the stage is set for some serious stand-up comedy. (Also some Sirius stand-up comedy, SiriusXM is this year’s media partner and hosting their own showcase.) It is a… (read more)